M A R I O   I R A C E   P A I N T E R

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There are at least two reasons for writing these lines abouta Mario Irace and his paintings, and both have an emotional nature. In the paintings of the bright and warm representations of the Campania places, it is not difficult to me to find echoes of the painting of my father Luigi, who died ten years ago, and whose value the critics have kindly rediscovered. Echoes, where to find the affection and esteem that my dad had for this young painter, even without being his master. Along with this inherited affection, there's my personal esteem for an artist that with his verist language constantly celebrates the landscape of Naples and that of Campania, spreading their image in Italy and abroad. A message of the simple grandiosity of a very special natural environment, that Irace paints in an atemporal dimension and that finds its place in the wake of the tradition of the Neapolitan landscape painting, the one that born from xviii century vedutismo, expressed itself in Posillipo,s school. Gifted with an undoubted natural talent, from the beginning Irace has confronted himself with en plein aire landscape, being fascinated by it at first, dominating it afterwards with a technique that doesn't leave any room to uncertainty and interpretations.

 Salvatore Colantuoni Responsible of "Alitalia per l'Arte"


www.marioirace.com    email: m_irace@tiscali.it    designed by artesintesi and friends